The Social Media Widget is a simple sidebar widget that allows users to input their social media website profile URLs and other subscription options to show an icon on the sidebar to that social media site and more that open up in a separate browser window.
Supports the following social media sites:
- Google+
- MySpace
- FriendFeed
- Orkut
- Hyves
- aSmallWorld
- Skyrock
- VK
- Goodreads
- Github
- Flickr
- Picasa Web Albums
- YouTube
- Skype
- Digg
- Delicious
- StumbleUpon
- Tumblr
- Buzz
- Google Talk
- Vimeo
- Blogger
- WordPress
- Yelp
- Pandora
- UStream
- IMDb
- Hulu
- Flixter
- FourSquare
- Meetup
- PlanCast
- SlideShare
- DeviantArt
- Live365
- Digital Tunes
- Soundcloud
- BandCamp
- Etsy
- Better Business Bureau
- Merchant Circle
- Ebay
- Steam
- E-mail (mailto: or a link to mailing list service)
- Plus create 6 of your own using a URL to an icon and URL to the service
Source: Social Media